Tuesday 11 October 2011

Lecture from Rui Faria, Editor of Volt Magazine

I found this man so genuine and inspiring, I would now love to work for Volt magazine!
Rui's first life ambition was like most men, he wanted to be a rockstar...so when that failed Rui became a photographer and after a chat in a bar with a close friend, within 7 months Volt magazine was born! The first issue of Volt magazine was only sold in 2 stores in the U.K. and now, after 4 years and on it's 10th issue, Volt magazine is sold in 32 coutries worldwide, I'd say that is pretty good going. Each magazine is hand folded as it is too big for any machine to fold, that is 78,000 sheets to fold and can take up to a whole week! Check out the Volt Cafe website for great fashion films and stories www.voltcafe.com. The aesthetic of the magazine is 'Visually intoxicating'! And just look at the stunning cover of the current issue 10...

Additional lecture notes for setting up a magazine:
  • Market research
  • Long term plan
  • 3 - 4 years to break even
  • Realistic budget
  • Make a dummy mag - don't print thousands - give to distributor
  • Find good printer
  • Realistic cover price

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