Monday 3 October 2011

Lecture from Jade Stavri - Fashion Editor of DISORDER magazine

Another inspirational lecture from an ex-UCA student, who didn't actually do that well in her degree coming out with just under a third, Jade Stavri is now the fashion editor of DISORDER magazine at just 25 years old! Jade has lived and breathed the fashion industry to get where she is today and did not let any friends or boyfriends get in her way! Whilst at university she worked looooads of interships, from what she was saying, there wasn't a moment where she wasn't trying to get some experience in one way or another and just look at how well all that experience has turned out...despite her low grade degree!

Notes from lecture:

Stylist/fashion editor jobs:
  • Come up with concept
  • Make moodboards
  • Find models
  • Builds a team - Photographer, stylist etc.
  • Find Location
  • Email PR's for clothing
  • Make a call sheet - Itinerary & Phone Numbers
  • Provide food & drink for team
  • Rack up clothes and prepare
  • Team talks
  • Make credit lists of samples - look1, look 2, look 3 etc.
  • Return clothes
Model Mayhem for models (best time is August - pay for travel)
Exposure PR

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